There is a lot of excitement in the US surrounding Cuba these days. Since President Obama announced at the end of 2014 that he would take several steps to put an end to the embargo with that country, it’s been a recurrent topic in the news and Americans have reportedly been traveling to the island in increasing numbers…everyone wants to go there first! Even Mr. Obama has scheduled a visit next month, making him the second US president to do so in over 80 years.

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I’ve been meaning to write this piece for a couple of weeks but being the procrastinator I am Thanksgiving Day had to arrive, along with all the respective Facebook posts as reminders, for me to finally take the time to do it. No excuses for extra delays, this post was definitely past due!

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No, I’m not going to talk about Frank Sinatra or about the TV reality show that bears that name. Instead, I am dedicating this space to one of the most distinctive characteristics that definitely make me who I am: my one and only voice!  I must start saying that for most of my life I’ve had a love-hate relationship with my voice and although generally speaking I’ve come to terms with it, even nowadays at times I’m totally fine with it but at other times I can’t deal with it…

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One of the rewarding things about traveling to unknown places is that you’ll always be surprised in unexpected ways by what you’ll encounter along the journey. The surprising factor can be anything unique to a place from a peculiar scent to a colorful landscape to the flavors of typical dishes. Yet, the one factor that always brings a smile to my face and a very particular feeling of joy is people’s acts of kindness, especially when they happen randomly, when you don’t see them coming.

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